Useful links
Advice if you're homeless or facing homelessness
Aylesbury Homeless Action Group are our close partner organisation in the north of Buckinghamshire. They provide appointment-based advice, drop-in sessions and more.
Citizens Advice Bureau offers advice on benefits, housing and many other topics. Check the advice on their website or call to make an appointment on 0844 499 4108.
JobCentre Plus administers universal credit, jobseeker’s allowance, employment and support allowance and income support: 0800 169 0190.
Slough Immigration Aid Unit offers free legal representation on immigration for families and individuals: 01753 246730.
P3 run a variety of services that aim to give everyone the chance to be part of the community they live in and feel connected to society
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) are on a mission to release thousands of families from grinding poverty through award winning debt counselling and community groups.
Connection Support help you through life’s challenges from the complex to the every-day situations you find yourself in.
Wycombe Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme help prevent homelessness in the Wycombe area by working with you and your landlord and benefit agencies to sustain tenancies: 01494 528557.
DENS operates in the Hemel Hempstead area, providing a day centre, night shelter, move-on accommodation and resettlement support.
Emmaus Communities enable people to move on from homelessness, providing work and a home in a supportive, family environment.
High Wycombe YMCA provides supported accommodation for individuals.
Home Group have accommodation for ex-offenders and individual homeless people.
Red Kite Housing are a tenant-led, not for profit, charitable housing association and who own and manage more than 6,500 homes in the Wycombe area.
The Old Tea Warehouse is a hostel in High Wycombe run by Riverside who are social housing providers. It caters for individual homeless people, including those with addiction issues, mental health problems and are ex-offenders.
Wycombe Women’s Aid have a local base and provide information and temporary accommodation for women experiencing domestic violence.
Buckinghamshire Council Housing Options team is able to provide help and advice on many housing issues depending upon your personal circumstances.
One Recovery Bucks (ORB) offer help with drug and alcohol recovery.
Call: 0300 7729 672
Gamblers Anonymous hold in person and online meetings for people struggling with gambling.
Call: 0330 094 0322
GamCare run a help line for those who struggle with gambling
Call: 0808 8020 133
Help at home
Wycombe Women’s Aid offer support from women to women experiencing domestic violence.
Call: 01494 461367
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline is open 24/7 for men and women to call for help and advice.
Call: 0808 2000 247
Everyday things
One Can Trust is an independent foodbank supporting families and individuals in need.
Mental Health
Samaritans are there if you need someone to talk to about your concerns, troubles and worries.
Call: 116 123
24/7 Mental Health Helpline
Call: 01865 904997
Bucks Healthy Minds is an NHS service offering talking therapies, practical support and employment advice to people with a GP in Buckinghamshire.
Call: 01865 901600.