Request a speaker We can provide live or pre-recorded talks for online and offline events, so if you are interested, please complete the form below. Or if you would like us to support you in other ways, get in touch and click contact above right. Your group or organisation (required) Date of event (two weeks’ notice required) (required) Time event starts (required) When / where to meet (with address / postcode etc) (required) Name of contact organising this talk (required) Phone number of contact organising this talk (mobile preferred) (required) Email address of contact organising this talk (required) Approx size and age of audience (required) Total presentation time desired (including for questions, if any) - if unsure, provide an approximate time or range (required) Desired content (tick all that apply) (required) Homelessness locally The work of Wycombe Homeless Connection Help available for homeless people locally How we can get involved in the work of WHC Other (please use Other information box) In-person, remote or pre-recorded (required) In-personRemote (via Zoom or similar)Pre-recorded video Content format (required) No slidesOptional slidesSlides please Facilities available (tick all that apply) Screen Projector with VGA input Projector with HDMI input PC with Powerpoint No projection facilities For remote presentation: own Zoom account Large TV with HDMI input Context (tick all that apply) Pick up cheque Pick up donations Bring collecting tin Highly interactive Bring age-appropriate literature (required) YesNoOptional When you’d like to hear from us with a confirmed speaker - at least a week from today: (Note, while we can generally commit to far-out dates, we will not be able to give a specific name further ahead than two months.) (required) Other information (eg bring a collecting bucket / alternative dates or times / more content details / contact name and mobile number on the day if different / year 9 assembly / part of citizenship classes / role of talk if in church service - sermon or auxiliary item?) How did you hear about WHC? (required) If you had a WHC speaker before, can you remember who? NOTE: WHC staff: if completing this form on behalf of a requester please draw their attention to our supporter privacy notice. Our privacy notice can be found by clicking here.