CERVIS training resources

Here are our resources to help you use CERVIS, our volunteer management system. 

Scroll down for videos on how to use the system.

If you find your preferred shift already full, or can do more:

  • Shift shortages: Click here
  • Offer what you can for your preferred night of the week.
  • If you can increase the frequency of your volunteering, say from fortnightly to weekly, make that change in your profile.
  • If you can change or do more nights of the week, go to your volunteer profile and change/add another Volunteer Group so you will see those opportunities and can offer shifts on those nights of the week.
  • The Group Leaders arranging the rotas will still be able to see the frequency you’d like to serve and if you get assigned to many shifts you can always cancel!

You can find an FAQ on how to offer your shifts here.

If you get stuck, get in touch. Do have a look at the user guide, right. 

Click here to log in to CERVIS

CERVIS user guide for night shelter volunteers

Download our guide to CERVIS to help you manage your night shelter volunteering.

Download CERVIS user guide

How to use CERVIS for volunteers

CERVIS Login video:

A short guide to logging into CERVIS the first time

Offering shifts at shelter

Offer your exact dates, shifts and roles. 
Offer your choices for January NOW! 
Click for FAQ and watch video below.
We will also cover at in-person training.

Modifying your CERVIS profile

How to tell us in CERVIS information about you and ways you want to volunteer at WHC. 

Group leader (shift planner) instruction videos

A short guide to shift planning (6 min)

An introduction to the CERVIS for shift planners (30 min)

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